Department of Computer Science
Università degli Studi di Verona

Dr. Margherita Zorzi, Ph.D

Assistant Professor

MAT/01 Logica e Matematiche Complementari

Dipartimento di Informatica
- Università degli Studi di Verona
Strada Le Grazie 15,
37135 Verona
Office/Ufficio/Bureau 1.80 (Ca' Vignal 2)


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Forthcoming and Recent Events


Labels, legenda: [Q] Quantum Computing, [TCS] Theoretical Computer Science-Logical Methods in Computer Science , [ML] Mathematical Logic , [ALCS] Applied Logic in Computer Science, [NLP] Natural Language Processing, [DID] Didactic of Computer Science

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Submitted papers

International Journals

  1. [ML] [TCS] From 2-Sequents and Linear Nested Sequents to Natural Deduction for Normal Modal Logics ACM Transactions on Computational LogicVolume 22, Issue 3, Article No.: 19pp 1–29, 2021,
  2. [QC][TCS] Quantum Calculi: from theory to language design . Applied Sciences, 2019, 9(24), 5472;

  3. [Q] [TCS] qPCF: higher-order languages and quantum circuits (with Luca Paolini). Journal of Automated Reasoning 63(4), pp. 941-966, Springer, 2019, LINK , DOI , Print ISSN 0168-7433, Online ISSN 1573-0670

  4. [ALCS] Diagnostics as a Reasoning Processes: from Logic structure to Software design (with M. Cristani, F. Olivieri, C. Tomazzoli, L. Viganò). Journal of Computing and Information Technology 27, pp. 43-57, 2019.

  5. [Q] [TCS] [ML] A logic for quantum register measurements (with A. Masini), Axioms 2019, 8(1), 25; PDF

  6. [NLP] Normalizing Spontanous Reports into MedDRA: some experiments with the NLP software MagiCoder (with Gabriele Pozzani, Carlo Combi, Ugo Moretti). IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, 23(1),8423064, pp. 95-102 .

  7. [NLP] From narrative descriptions to MedDRA: automagically encoding adverse drug reactions (with Gabriele Pozzani, Carlo Combi, Ugo Moretti). Journal of Biomedical Informatics 84, pp. 184-199, 2018.

  8. [ALCS] A Hybrid Logic for XML Reference constraints (with Carlo Combi, Andrea Masini and Barbara Oliboni). Data and Knowledge Engineering 115, pp. 94-115, 2018

  9. [Q] [TCS] [ML] A Branching Distributed Temporal Logic for Reasoning about Quantum State Transformations (with Marco Volpe and Luca Viganò). Information&Computation 255, pp. 311-333, 2017.

  10. [TCS] [ML] Natural Deduction in Classical First-Order Logic: Exceptions, Strong Normalization and Herbrand's Theorem (with Federico Aschieri). Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 625, pp. 125--146, 2016.

  11. [Q] [TCS] Quantum Lambda Calculi: a foundational perspective, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, Volume 26, Issue 7, pp. 1107-119, 2016, doi:10.1017/S0960129514000425

  12. [TCS] Probabilistic Operational Semantics for the Lambda Calculus (with Ugo Dal Lago),
    RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications, DOI 10.1051/ita/2012012, vol. 46 , n. 03 , 2012 , pp. 413-450, CUP, 2012.

  13. [Q] [TCS] [ML] Modal Deduction Systems for Quantum State Transformations (with Andrea Masini and Luca Viganò. )
    Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, Volume 17, Number 5-6, pp 475-519. 2011.

  14. [Q] [TCS] Confluence Results for A Quantum Lambda Calculus with Measurements. (with Andrea Masini and Ugo Dal Lago)
    Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, DOI 10.1016/j.entcs.2011.01.035, Volume 207, pp. 251-261, 2011.

  15. [Q] [TCS] Quantum Implicit Computational Complexity (with Andrea Masini and Ugo Dal Lago)
    Theoretical Computer Science, DOI:10.1016/j.tcs.2009.07.045, Volume 411, Issue 2, Pages 377-409, Elsevier, 2010.

  16. [Q] [TCS] On a Measurement-Free Quantum Lambda Calculus with Classical Control (with Andrea Masini and Ugo Dal Lago )
    Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, ISSN: 0960-1295, EISSN: 1469-8072, DOI 10.1017/S096012950800741X,
    Volume 19, Issue 02, pp 297-335, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2009. and review

International Conferences and Workshops

  1. [ALCS] ''It could be worse, it could be raining'': reliable automatic meteorological forecasting for holiday planning (with M. Cristani, F. Domenichini, C. Tomazzoli, and Luca Viganò), Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2019), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 11606 LNAI, pp. 3-11, 2019. SPINdle Implementation PDF

  2. [NLP] Automatic Generation of Dictionaries: the journalistic lexicon case (with M. Cristani and C. Tomazzoli), Proceedings of 32nd International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA/AIE 2019), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 11606 LNAI, pp. 744-752, 2019.

  3. [ALCS] Web Literature, Authorship Attribution and Editorial workflow Ontologies (with M. Cristani, F. Olivieri, L. Olivieri, C. Tomazzoli). Proceedings of KES-AMSTA 2019, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 148, pp. 129-140, 2019.

  4. [Q] [TCS] Quantum Programming Made Easy (with Luca Paolini and Luca Roversi). Proceedings Joint International Workshop on Linearity & Trends in Linear Logic and Applications Oxford, UK, 7-8 July 2018, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical COmputer Science EPTCS 292, pp. 133--147 ArXiv

  5. [NLP] Making sentiment analysis algorithms scalable (with M. Cristani, M. Cristani, A. Pesarin, C. Tomazzoli). In Current Trends in Web Engineering - {ICWE} 2018 International Workshops, MATWEP, EnWot, KD-WEB, WEOD, TourismKG, C{\'{a}}ceres, Spain, June 5, 2018, Revised Selected Papers, 136--147, series Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11153, 2018.

  6. [ALCS] It could rain: weather forecasting as a reasoning process (with M. Cristani, F. Domenichini, F. Olivieri, C. Tomazzoli). Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems KES 2018, Procedia Computer Science 126, 850--859, Elsevier, 2018.

  7. [NLP] MORE: a simple algorithm for the lexical classification of comparable adjectives (with M. Cristani, I. Chito, C. Tomazzoli). Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems KES 2018, Procedia Computer Science 126, 626--635, Elsevier, 2018.

  8. [ALCS] Towards a Logical Framework for Diagnostic Reasoning (with M. Cristani, F. Olivieri, C. Tomazzoli). Proceedings of KES International Symposium on Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications-KES-AMSTA 2018, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 96, 144-155, Springer

  9. [NLP] Mapping Free Text into MedDRA by Natural Language Processing: a Modular Approach in Designing and Evaluating Software Extensions (with Gabriele Pozzani, Carlo Combi, Ugo Moretti). Proceedings of 8th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computa- tional Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM-BCB 17), BCB 17, pp. 27-35, ACM New York, 2017. ISBN 978-1-4503-4722-8 DOI:10.1145/3107411.3107431 link:

  10. [NLP] A Co-occurrence Based MedDRA Lexicon Generation: Some Preliminary Results (with Gabriele Pozzani, Carlo Combi, Elena Arzenton, Ugo Moretti). 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence In Medicine (AIME 17), Vienna, june 21-24, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10259, pp. 215-220, Springer, 2017. ISBN 978-3-319-59758-4 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-59758-4 24 link: 4 24

  11. [DID] Psychology of programming: the role of creativity, empathy and systemizing (with Ugo Solitro, Margherita Pasini, Margherita Brondino, Roberto Burro, Daniela Raccanello). Proceedings of 7th International Conference in Methodologies and intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (MIS4TEL'17), University of Porto, June 21-23, 2017, Advances in Intelligent Sy- stems and Computing, Volume 617, pp. 82-89, Springer, 2017. ISBN: 978-3-319-60819-8 ISSN: 21945357 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-60819-8 10 link: 8 10

  12. [Q] [TCS] qPCF: a language for quantum circuit computations (with Luca Paolini). n proceedings of Theory and Applications of Models of Computation 14th Annual Conference, TAMC 2017, Bern, Swi- tzerland, April 20-22, 2017, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10185, pp. 455-469, Springer, 2017. ISBN: 978-3-319-55911-7 ISSN: 03029743 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-55911-7 33 link: 7 33

  13. [DID] Early training in programming: from high school to college (with Ugo Solitro, Margherita Pasini, Margherita Brondino).Proceedings of 2nd EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good, GOODTECHS 2016, Venice, Italy, 30 November -1 December 2016, GoodTechs 2016, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunica- tions Engineering, LNICST 195, pp. 325-332, Springer Verlag, 2017.

  14. [DID] A "light" application of Blended Extreme Apprenticeship in teaching Programming to Students of Mathematics (with Ugo Solitro, Margherita Pasini, Margherita Brondino). Proceedings of 6th International Conference in Methodologies and intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning (MIS4TEL'16), University of Sevilla, Sevilla (Spain) ,1st-3rd June, 2016. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 478, pp. 73-80. PDF

  15. [NLP] Automagically Encoding Adverse Drug Reactions in MedDRA (with Carlo Combi, Riccardo Lora, Ugo Moretti, Marco Pagliarini), IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics 2015 (ICHI 2015), Dallas, TX, USA, 21-24 October, 2015.

  16. [ALCS] A Logical Framework for XML Reference Specification (with Carlo Combi, Andrea Masini and Barbara Oliboni). LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, Springer Verlag Germany , Atti di "26th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA 2015" , Valencia (Spain) , 1-4 september 2015 , 9262 , pp. 258--267.

  17. [Q] [TCS] Wave-Style Token Machines and Quantum Lambda Calculi (with Ugo Dal Lago). Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), Vol. 176, 64--78, 2015. Post-proceedings of LINEARITY 2014, Vienna Summer of Logic. Extended Version:

  18. [Q] [TCS] [ML] Quantum State Transformations and Branching Distributed Temporal Logic (with Marco Volpe and Luca Viganò). In proceedings of 21st International Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (Wollic'14), (U. Kohlenbach, P. Barcel, R. de Quei- roz Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8652, ISBN 978-3-662-44145-9, 1-19, 2014.

  19. [TCS] [ML] An Intuitionistic Game Semantical Realizability Validating Markov's Principle (with Federico Aschieri). Post-proceedings of TYPES 2013, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 26, 24-44, DOI: 10.4230/LIPIcs.TYPES.2013.24, 2014. Also Presented at Classical Logic and Computation 2014 (CL&C'14), Vienna Summer of Logic.

  20. [TCS] [ML] Non-Determinism, Non-Termination and the Strong Normalization of System T (with Federico Aschieri). TLCA'13 (Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, parts of International Conference on Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming June 23 to June 28, 2013, Eindhoven (The Netherlands ). LNCS 7941, 31--47. Springer, Heidelberg, 2013.

  21. [TCS] [ML] Interactive Realizability and the Elimination of Skolem Functions in Peano Arithmetic (with Federico Aschieri). Proceeding of 4th Classical Logic and Computation - ( CL&C'12 Icalp 2012), Warwick - England, 8th July, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 97, pp. 1-18, 2012.

  22. [TCS] General Ramified Recursion is Sound for Polynomial Time. (with Ugo Dal Lago and Simone Martini)
    In Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), proceedings of Developments in Implicit Computational complExity (DICE 2010, part of ETAPS),
    Cipro, March 27-28, 2010, vol. 23, pp 47-62, 2010.

  23. [Q] [TCS] [ML] A Qualitative Modal Representation of Quantum Register Transformations (with Andrea Masini e Luca Viganò )
    Atti della conferenza 38th International Symposium on Multiple Valued Logic, 22-24 maggio 2008, Dallas TX, USA, curatore Gerhard Dueck,
    IEEE computer society, ISBN 978-0-7695-3155-7, ISSN Number 0195-623X, DOI 10.1109/ISM- VL.2008.36, USA, pp 131-137, 2008.



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