Hiding Information in Completeness Holes
New perspectives in code obfuscation and watermarking
Key note lecture (Slides)
Dip. di Informatica
Univsit\agrave di Verona
Strada Le Grazie a Ca' Vignal 2, 37134 Verona (Italy)
In this paper we show how abstract interpretation, and more specifically completeness, provides an
adequate model for reasoning about code obfuscation and watermarking. The idea is that making
a program obscure, or equivalently hiding information in it, corresponds to force an interpreter (the attacker)
to become incomplete in its attempts to extract
information about the program. Here abstract interpretation provides the model of the attacker (malicious host) and abstract interpretation transformers provide driving methods for understanding and designing new obfuscation and watermarking strategies: Obfuscation corresponds to make the malicious host incomplete and watermarking corresponds to hide secrets where incomplete attackers cannot
extract them unless some secret key is given.
Available soon in PDF, BibTeX Entry.
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