M. Campion, M. Dalla Preda, R. Giacobazzi and C. Urban. Monotonicity and the Precision of Program Analysis. Proceedings of the 51st Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2024), volume 8, pages 1629-1622.
M. Dalla Preda and M. Ianni. Exploiting Number Theory for Dynamic Software Watermarking. Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques 20(1), pages 41-51, 2024.
M. Campion, C. Urban, M. Dalla Preda, R. Giacobazzi. A Formal Framework to Measure the Incompleteness of Abstract Interpretation. Proceedings of the 30th Static Analysis Symposium SAS 2023, volume 14284 of LNCS, pages 114-138, .
V. Cozza, M. Dalla Preda, M. Lucchese, M.Merro, N. Zannone. Towards Obfuscation of Programmable Logic Controllers. Proceedings of SecIndustry@ARES 2023, pages 121:1 - 121:10.
M. Dalla Preda and F. Masaia. Exploring NFT Validation through Digital Watermarking. Proceedings of IWSECC@ARES 2023.
M. Pasqua, A. Benini, F. Contro, M. Crosara, M. Dalla Preda, M. Ceccato. Enhancing Ethereum smart-contracts static analysis by computing a precise Control-Flow Graph of Ethereum bytecode. Journal of System and Software, vol. 200.
F. Abazari, E. Branca, N. Ridley, N. Stakhanova, M. Dalla Preda. Dataset characteristics for reliable code authorship attribution. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 20(1): 506-521.
M. Campion, M. Dalla Preda and R. Giacobazzi. Partial (In)Completeness in Abstract Interpretation: Limiting the Imprecision of Program Analysis. Proceedings of the 49th Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2022), volume 6, pp 1-31.
M. Campion, M. Dalla Preda. R. Giacobazzi. On the Properties of Partial Completeness in Abstract Interpretation. Proceedings of the 23rd Italian Conference on Theoretical Computer Science (ICTCS 2022), pages 78-95.
F. Contro, M. Crosara, M. Ceccato, M. Dalla Preda. EtherSolve: Computing an Accurate Control-Flow Graph from Ethereum Bytecode. Proceedings of the 29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension ICPC 2021.
N. Marastoni, R. Giacobazzi, M. Dalla Preda. Data Augmentation and Transfer Learning to Classify Malware Images in a Deep Learning Context. In Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, 2021.
M. Campion, M. Dalla Preda and R. Giacobazzi. Learning metamorphic malware signatures from samples. In Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, 2021.
M. Dalla Preda. Towards a Unifying Framework for Tuning Analysis Precision by Program Transformation. In Recent Developments in the Design and Implementation of Programming Languages DIP2020 - Gabbrielli's Festschrift.
M. Dalla Preda, R. Giacobazzi, N. Marastoni. Formal Framework for reasoning about the precision of dynamic analysis. Proceedings of the 27th Static Analysis Symposium SAS 2020.
M. Pasetto, N. Marastoni and M. Dalla Preda. Revealing Similarities in Android Malware by Dissecting their Methods. Proceedings of the International Workshop on M Workshop on Software Attacks and Defenses (SAD@Euro-S&P 2020), pages 625-634.
M. Campion, M. Dalla Preda and R. Giacobazzi. Abstract interpretation of indexed grammars. Proceedings of the 26th Static Analysis Symposium. Volume 11822 of LNCS, pages 121 - 139. Springer-Verlag, October 2019, Portugal. SAS 2019
A. Matyukhina, N. Stakhanova, M. Dalla Preda and C. Perley. Adversarial author attribution in open-source projects. Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy CODASPY 2019, pages 291 - 302, 2019.
Bjorn De Sutter, Christian S. Collberg, Mila Dalla Preda and Brecht Wyseur: Software Protection Decision Support and Evaluation Methodologies (Dagstuhl Seminar 19331). Dagstuhl Report 9(8): 1-25 2019.
N. Marastoni, R. Giacobazzi, M. Dalla Preda. A deep learning approach to program similarity. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Machine Learning and Software Engineering in Symbiosis. MASES@ASE 2018, pages 26-35, 2018.
M. Dalla Preda and M. Pasqua. Semantics-based Software Watermarking by Abstract Interpretation. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science. Volume 29, issue 2, pages 339-388, 2018.
M. Dalla Preda and I. Mastroeni. Characterizing a Property-driven Obfuscation Strategy. Journal of Computer Security, volume 26, number 1, pages 31-69, 2018.
N. Marastoni, A. Continella, D. Quarta, S. Zanero, M. Dalla Preda. GroupDroid: Auto,antically classifying mobile malware by extracting code similarity. Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Software Security, Protection and Reverse Engineering ACM 2017 (SSPREW@ACSAC7), pages 1:1 - 1:12.
M. Dalla Preda, M. Gabbrielli, S. Giallorenzo, I. Lanese, J. Mauro. Dynamic Choreographies: from theory to practice. In Logical Methods in Computer Science, volume 13 number 2, 2017.
R. Giacobazzi, I. Mastroeni, M. Dalla Preda. Maximal Incompleteness as Obfuscation Potency. In Formal Aspects of Computing, volume 29, number 1, pages 3-31. 2017
M. Dalla Preda and F. Maggi. Testing Android malware detectors against code obfuscation: a systematization of knowledge and unified methodology. In Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, 13(3) pages 209 - 232, 2017.
J. Todd McDonald, M. Dalla Preda and N. Stakhanova (Eds.): Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Software Security, Protection, and Reverse Engineering, SSPREW@ACSAC 2017, Orlando, FL, USA, December 4th-5th 2017. USA. ACM 2017. ISBN: 978-1-4503-5387-8
M. Dalla Preda and V. Vidali. Abstract similarity analysis. 6th Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domain Workshop (NSAD 2016), Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 331, pages 87-99.
M. Dalla Preda and M. Pasqua. Software Watermarking: A Semantics-based Approach. 6th Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domain Workshop (NSAD 2016) Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 331, pages 71-85.
R. Sartea, M. Dalla Preda, A. Farinelli, R. Giacobazzi and I. Matronei. Active Android Malware Analysis: An approach based on Stochastic Games. Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Software Security, Protection and Reverse Engineering ACM 2016 (SSPREW@ACSAC-6), pp 5:1 - 5:10.
C. Zheng, M. Dalla Preda, J. Granula, S. Zanero and F. Maggi. On-chip system call tracing: feasibility study and open prototype for Linux/ARM. In Proceeding of the IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS 2016), pp 73-81.
M. Dalla Preda and F. Maggi. Testing Android malware detectors against code obfuscation: a systematization of knowledge and unified methodology. In Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques.
M. Dalla Preda, R. Giacobazzi and I. Mastroeni. Completeness in Approximated Transductions. Proceeding of the 23rd Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2016), Volume 9837 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 126 - 146. Springer-Verlag, September 2016, Edinburgh, UK.
M. Dalla Preda, M. Pasqua. A semantics-based approach to software watermarking by abstract interpretation. Technical Report RR 98/2016, Department of Computer Science, University of Verona, February 2016.
M. Dalla Preda, M. Gabbrielli, S. Giallorenzo, I. Lanese, J. Mauro. Dynamic Choreographies: Theory and Implementation. CORR abd/16110967 (2016)
J. Todd McDonald, M. Dalla Preda and N. Stakhanova (Eds.): Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Software Security, Protection, and Reverse Engineering, SSPREW@ACSAC 2016, Los Angeles, CA, USA, December 5th-6th 2015. USA. ACM 2016, ISBN: 978-1-4503-4841-6.
M. Dalla Preda, I. Mastroeni. Infections as Abstract Symbolic Finite Automata: Formal Model and Applications. Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Workshop on Software PRO-tection (SPRO 2015), pp 59 - 65, 2015.
M. Dalla Preda, M. Gabbrielli, S. Giallorenzo, I. Lanese, J. Mauro. Dynamic Choreografies Safe runtime Updates of Distributed Application. Proceedings of the 17th IFIP International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION 2015), volume 9037 of LNCS, pp 67 - 82. 2015.
M. Dalla Preda, M. Gabbrielli, S. Giallorenzo, I. Lanese, J. Mauro. Developing Correct, distributed, adaptive software. In Science of Computer Programming (SCP), Volume 97, pp 41 - 46, 2015.
M. Dalla Preda, R. Giacobazzi, S. Debray. Unvealing Metamorphism by Abstract Interpretation of Code Properties. In Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), Volume 577, pp 71 - 97, 2015.
M. Dalla Preda, R. Giacobazzi, I. Mastroeni, A Lakhotia. Abstract Symbolic Automata: Mixed syntactic/semantic similarity analysis of executables. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2015), pp 329 - 341.
J. Todd McDonald, M. Dalla Preda and N. Stakhanova (Eds.): Proceedings of the 5th Program Protection and Reverse Engineering Workshop PPREW@ACSAC, Los Angeles, CA, USA, December 8th 2015. USA. ACM 2015, ISBN: 978-1-4503-3642-0.
M. Dalla Preda, S. Giallorenzo, I. Lanese, J. Mauro, M. Gabbrielli. AIOCJ: A Choreographic Framework for Safe Adaptive Distributed Applications. Proceeding of the 7h International Conference on Software Language Engineering (Tool paper). Volume 8706 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 161-170, 2014.
M. Dalla Preda, I. Mastroeni, R. Giacobazzi. Analyzing program dependences for malware detection. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Program Protection and Reverse Engineering (PPREW 2014), article no 6, January 2014, San Diego, CA, USA.
J. Todd McDonald, M. Dalla Preda (Eds.): Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGPLAN Program Protection and Reverse Engineering Workshop (PPREW 2014). December 9th 2014, New Orleans, USA. ACM 2014, ISBN: 978-1-60558-637-3
M. Dalla Preda, I. Mastroeni and R. Giacobazzi. Formal Framework for property-driven obfuscation. Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium of Fundamentals of Computer Theory (FCT 2013). Volume 8070 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 133-144, Springer. August 19-21 Liverpool, UK.
A. Lakhotia, M. Dalla Preda and R. Giacobazzi. Fast location of similar code fragments using semantic ‘Juice’. Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Program Protection and Reverse Engineering (PPREW 2013), January 2013, Rome, Italy.
J. Todd McDonald, M. Dalla Preda (Eds.): Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGPLAN Program Protection and Reverse Engineering Workshop (PPREW 2013). January 26th 2013, Rome, Italy. ACM 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4503-1857-0
M. Dalla Preda and I. Mastroeni. Chasing Infections by Unveiling Program Dependences. 1st International Workshop on Interference and Dependence (ID 2013). January 2013, Rome, Italy.
M. Dalla Preda, M. Gabbrielli, C. Guidi, J. Mauro and F. Montesi. Service Integration via Target-Transparent Mediation. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2012), pages 1-5, IEEE Computer Society Press, December 2012, Taiwan.
M. Dalla Preda, M. Gabbrielli, C. Guidi, J. Mauro and F. Montesi. Interface-based service composition with aggregation. Proceedings of the European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2012), Volume 7592 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 48-63, Springer-Verlag, September 2012, Bertinoro, Italy.
M. Dalla Preda. The Grand Challenge in Metamorphic Analysis. (Position Paper). Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems, Technology and Management (ICISTM 2012). Volume 285 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 439-444. Springer, March 2012, Grenoble, France.
M. Dalla Preda, W. Feng, R. Giacobazzi, R. Greechie and A. Lakhotia. Twisting Additivity in Program Obfuscation. Proceedings of the Workshop on Program Protection and Reverse Engineering (PPREW 2012). Volume 285 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 336-347. Springer, March 2012, Grenoble, France.
M. Dalla Preda, M. Gabbrielli, C. Guidi, J. Mauro and F. Montesi. A language for (smart) service aggregation: Theory and practice of interface-based service composition. Technical Report UBLCS 2011-11, University of Bologna, 2011.
M. Dalla Preda, M. Gabbrielli, I. Lanese, J. Mauro and G. Zavattaro. Graceful Interruption of Request-Response Service Interactions. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2011). Volume 7084 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 590-600. Springer-Verlag, December 2011, Paphos, Cyprus.
M. Dalla Preda, C. Di Giusto. Hunting Distributed Malware with the k-calculus. Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT 2011). Volume 6914 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 102-113. Springer-Verlag, August 2011, Oslo, Norway.
M. Dalla Preda, R. Giacobazzi, S. Debray, K. Coogan, and G. Townsend. Modeling Metamorphism by Abstract Interpretation. Proceedings of the 17th International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2010). Volume 6337 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 218-235. Springer-Verlag, September 2010, Perpignan, France.
M. Dalla Preda and R. Giacobazzi. Semantics-based Code Obfuscation by Abstract Interpretation, Journal of Computer Security (JCS), volume 17, number 6, pages 855-908, 2009.
M. Ceccato, M. Dalla Preda, J. Nagra, C. Collberg and P. Tonella. Trading-off Security and Performance in Barrier Slicing for Remote Software Entrusting. Special issue of Springer's Journal of Automated Software Engineering (JASE), volume 16, number 2, pages 235-261, 2009.
M. Ceccato, M. Dalla Preda, A. Majumdar, P. Tonella. Remote software protection by orthogonal client replacement. Proceedings of the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC-09-SE track), pages 448-455, ACM SIGAPP press, March 2009.
M. Dalla Preda, M. Christodorescu, S. Jha and S. Debray. A Semantics-based Approach to Malware Detection. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS), volume 30, number 5, pages 1-54, 2008.
M. Dalla Preda, R. Giacobazzi, E. Visentini. Hiding Software Watermarks in Loop Structures. Proceedings of the 15th International Static Analysis Symposium (SAS'08). Volume 5079 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 174-188. Springer-Verlag, July 2008, Valencia, Spain.
M. Ceccato, M. Dalla Preda, J. Nagra, C. Collberg, P. Tonella. Barrier Slicing for Remote Software Trusting. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM 2007), pages 27-36, IEEE Computer Society Press. October 2007, Paris, France.
M. Dalla Preda, M. Christodorescu, S. Jha and S. Debray. A Semantics-based Approach to Malware Detection. Proceedings of the 34th Annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2007), pages 377-388. ACM press. Nice, France, January 2007.
M. Dalla Preda. Hunting Obfuscated Malware by Abstract Interpretation. Doctoral Symposium of the 14th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM’06). August 2006, Hamilton, Canada.
M. Dalla Preda, M. Madou, K. De Bosschere and R. Giacobazzi. Opaque Predicate Detection by Abstract Interpretation. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Algebriac Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST 2006). Volume 4019 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 81-95, Springer-Verlag. July 2006, Kuressaare, Estonia.
M. Dalla Preda and R. Giacobazzi. Control Code Obfuscation by Abstract Interpretation. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2005), pages 301-310, IEEE Computer Society Press. September 2005, Koblenz, Germany.
M. Dalla Preda and R. Giacobazzi. Semantics-based Code Obfuscation by Abstract Interpretation. Proceedings of the 32nd International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2005). Volume 3580 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1325-1336, Springer-Verlag. July 2005, Lisboa, Portugal.
M. Dalla Preda. Completeness Refinement in Abstract Symbolic Trajectory Evaluation. Proceedings of the 11th Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2004). Volume 3148 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 38-52. Springer, August 2004, Verona, Italy.
PhD Thesis
M. Dalla Preda. Code Obfuscation and Malware Detection by Abstract Interpretation. Dipartimento di Informatica, University of Verona, TD-02-07, 2007.
On August 2006 the thesis received the QinetiQ Award for research with strong practical applications, awarded in the context of the thesis accepted for submission at the Doctoral Symposium associated to the 14th International Symposium on Formal Methods 2006. Pdf.
On October 2007 the thesis was awarded a special mention from the IC-EATCS, the Italian Chapter of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science.
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