Marco Cristani
Full Professor
Computer Science Dept.
University of Verona
I am Full Professor (Professore Associato) at the Computer
Science Department, University of Verona, Associate Member at the National Research Council (CNR), External Collaborator at the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT). My main research interests are in statistical pattern recognition and computer vision, mainly in deep learning and generative modeling, with application to social signal processing and fashion modeling. On these topics I have published more than 170 papers, including two edited volumes, 6 book chapters, 40 journal articles and 129
conference papers. I have organized 11 international workshops, co-founded a spin-off company, Humatics, dealing with e-commerce for fashion.
I am or have been Principal Investigator of several national and international projects, including PRIN and H2020 projects.
I am member of the editorial board of the Pattern Recognition and Pattern Recognition Letters journals.
I am Managing Director of the Computer Science Park, a technology transfer centre at the University of Verona. Finally, I am IEEE and CVPL member.