Re-Id 2012
First International Workshop on Re-Identification
October 12, 2012 - Florence, Italy
In conjunction with ECCV 2012


09.30 Opening
09.40 Invited Talk: “Domain Adaptation Methods for Re-identification of Faces Rama Chellappa, Center for Automation Research, University of Maryland
10.40 Coffee break
11:00 Learning Implicit Transfer for Person Re-identification Tamar Avraham, Ilya Gurvich, Michael Lindenbaum, Shaul Markovitch
11:30 Person Re-identification: What Features Are Important Chunxiao Liu, Shaogang Gong, Chen Change Loy, Xinggang Lin
12:00 Towards Person Identification and Re-Identification With Attributes Ryan Layne, Timothy Hospedales, Shaogang Gong
12:30 Local Descriptors encoded by Fisher Vectors for Person Re-identification Bipeng Ma, Yu Su, Frederic Jurie
13.00 Lunch break
14.00 Invited talk: Re-identification in practical large-scale surveillance Anton van den Helgen, University of Adelaide
15.00 Re-Identification of Pedestrians in Crowds using Dynamic Time Warping Damien Simonnet, Michal Lewandowski, Sergio A. Velastin, James Orwell, Esin Turkbeyler
15.30 Re-identification with RGB-D sensors Igor Barros Barbosa, Marco Cristani, Alessio Del Bue, Loris Bazzani, Vittorio Murino
16.00 Coffee break
16.30 Identity inference: generalizing person re-identification scenarios Svebor Karaman, Andrew Bagdanov
17.00 A general method for appearance-based people search based on textual queries Riccardo Satta, Giorgio Fumera, Fabio Roli
17.30 Closing remarks