Architetture Software / Ingegneria del Software (A.A. 07/08)

MODULO I: teoria
Date  Topic  Slides  Notes 
03.10.07  Introduction  pdf
09.10.07  FAQs about Software Engineering  pdf
09-10.10.07  Socio-Technical Systems  pdf
17.10.07  The Software Development Process  pdf
24.10.07  Requirements Analysis  pdf
30.10.07  Requirements Engineering Processes  pdf
31.10.07  System Models I  pdf
06-07.11.07  System Models II  pdf
13-14.11.07  System Models III  pdf
20.11.07  System Models IV  pdf
21.11.07  Three Case Studies in (Semi-Formal) System Modeling  pdf
27.11.07  Management  pdf
28.11.07  Software Cost Estimation  pdf
28.11.07  Quality Management  pdf

Gruppi Laboratorio, Introduzione ad ArgoUML, Esami AA 06/07.

MODULO I: Laboratorio
Date  Topic  Slides  Notes 
12.11.07  Introduction to Design Patterns and Strategy Pattern  Strategy. About interfaces. Codice SimUDuck. Cambio di comportamento a run time. Design Puzzle. Design Puzzle solution
19.11.07  Observer Pattern and Decorator Pattern  Observer. corrected observer class diagram. Weather Station. Decorator. corrected decorator class diagram. Starbuzz. Primo assegnamento.
26.11.07  Factory Pattern and Adapter and Facade Pattern  Factory. corrected simple factory. corrected factory method. factory method pattern. pizzas. pizzafm.
Adapter e Facade. Ducks. IterEnum. HomeTheater.
Secondo assegnamento.
03.12.07  State Pattern and Iterator Pattern  State. gumballs winner state diagram. state pattern. gumball.tar.gz. gumballstate.tar.gz. gumballstatewinner.tar.gz.
Iterator. iterator pattern. iterator example. iterator code.

MODULO II: teoria
Date  Topic  Slides  Notes 
14.01.08  Introduction to Modulo II  pdf
16.01.08  Propositional Logic  pdf
28-30.01.08  First-Order Logic  pdf
30.01-04.02.08  First-Order Theories and Set Theory  pdf
06.02.08  Class Diagrams  pdf
06-11.02.08  The Object Constraint Language OCL I  pdf
11-18.02.08  The Object Constraint Language OCL II  pdf
18-20.02.08  The Object Constraint Language OCL III  pdf
20.02.08  The Object Constraint Language OCL IV  pdf
25.02.07   Formal Modeling with Z: An Introduction  pdf Dispense su Z di F. Riguzzi (Università di Ferrara), in italiano
27.02.08  Formal Modeling with Z II  pdf
03.03.08  Formal Modeling with Z III  pdf
10.03.08  System Design I  pdf
10.03.08  System Design II  pdf
10.03.08  From models to code  pdf

MODULO II: Laboratorio
Date  Topic  Slides  Notes 
11.02.08  ArgoUML and Use  Introduzione ad ArgoUML. Introduzione a Use. Esercizio. Soluzione
18.02.08  Pre e Post Condizioni in USE  Dispense.
25.02.08  Esercizio in preparazione all'assegnamento   Dispense. Assegnamento OCL.
03.03.08  Privacy and anonymity in computer networks  Dispense. mixDemonstrator.pdf, mixDemo.jar

Scritto 11.12.07, Verifica Laboratorio 11.12.07.
Scritto 17.03.08, Verifica Laboratorio 17.03.08.
Scritto 01.07.08, Verifica Laboratorio 01.07.08.
Scritto 28.07.08, Verifica Laboratorio 28.07.08.
Scritto 02.09.08, Verifica Laboratorio 02.09.08.