Homepage of the Course: Mathematical Programming, for the PhD in Mathematics

Timetable of the Course

We meet in room A108, in Povo 1 (see map), according to the following timetable.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
ore: 9-13
ore: 9-13
ore: 9-13
ore: 9-13
ore: 9-13
The class goes in streaming on the URL mms:\\media.unitn.it\SciHDTV (Someone complained that the multi-platform VLC software did not work well on these formats for them. For sure Windows Media Player is fully supported here, if you are a Linux user you will need a Windows Virtual Machine, which you can always get running on your machine with the free and open source software Oracle VirtualBox.)

Program of the Course

  1. Short Program   (As occurring in the manifesto of the PhD program in Mathematics)
  2. Program
  3. Programma (in Italian)

Material for the Course

  1. www site of the book of reference for the LP part of the course

  2. Dynamic Programming (online available sampling chapter from the book on Algorithm by Dasgupta, Papadimitriou and Vazirani)
  3. a good (and free) book on algorithms and complexity
  4. Optimal Trees and Paths (public selection from the 3 cooks' book)
  5. if you want to learn more Combinatorial Optimization than what we can treat in the course Combinatorial Optimization (syllabus of Lex Schrijver's course)

Exercises in programming and problem solving

created:   7 gennaio 2019
updated:   8 gennaio 2019
© Department of Computer Science
University of Verona