Noweb sources of the Example Programs

All these examples have been set up to work with latex. Except for breakmodel.nw, each example file is a fragment of a larger program.

Nome File Descrizione
breakmodel.nw A formal model of breakpoints using the Promela modeling language.
primes.nw noweb version of DEK's original prime-number program.
primes.bbl the .bbl file is used for bibliography
test.nw A simple test file.
dag.nw Fragment of an Icon program that compiles patterns into decision-tree pattern-matching code. tree.nw builds the decision trees; dag.nw turns them into dags.
graphs.nw Several graphs written in jgraph (write for information about jgraph).
scanner.nw Part of a student compiler project. Includes C code and lex and yacc specifications, all in a single file.
tree.nw Fragment of an Icon program that compiles patterns into decision-tree pattern-matching code. tree.nw builds the decision trees; dag.nw turns them into dags.
wc.nw A re-implementation in noweb of the CWEB example from DEK's book. This example is intended to be as exact a copy as possible; no attempt was made to improve the code.
wc.bbl the .bbl file is used for bibliography

[Back] created:   23 Aprile 2001
updated:   23 Aprile 2001
© Dipartimento di Matematica
University of Verona