/* FILE: parenthesesMaskMemoryEfficient.cpp last change: 30-Jul-2013 author: Romeo Rizzi * This solver is a memory efficient implementation of the same DP algorithm proposed in the file parenthesesMask.cpp. * This extra-efficiency is gained by observing that the entries in one row of the DP matrix depend only on the entries in the previous row. */ //#define NDEBUG // NDEBUG definita nella versione che consegno #include #ifndef NDEBUG # include // uso di cin e cout non consentito in versione finale #endif #include using namespace std; const int BASE = 100000; const int MAX_N = 500000; // massima lunghezza della stringa in input const int MAX_JOLLIES = 1000; // massimo numero di asterischi nella stringa in input char p[MAX_N+1]; // la stringa pattern data in input int n; // lunghezza della stringa pattern in input int n_open, n_closed, n_jollies; int opt[2][MAX_JOLLIES +1]; /* see the file parenthesesMask.cpp where we have opt[MAX_N+1][MAX_JOLLIES +1] and where: opt[i][j] = the number of strings s over the alphabet {'(',')'} such that: 1. s is a prefix of a well formed parenthesis formula; 2. s matches the prefix p[1,..., i] of the pattern; 3. in s the number of ')' matching with an '*' in p is precisely j. Thus opt[n][n/2 - n_closed] is the answer to our problem. The values actually stored in opt[][] are correct only modulo BASE. */ int main() { ifstream fin("input.txt"); assert( fin ); fin >> n; for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) fin >> p[i]; fin.close(); opt[0][0] = 1; for(int j = 1; j <= MAX_JOLLIES; j++) opt[0][j] = 0; n_open = 0; n_closed = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { switch( p[i] ) { case ')': n_closed++; break; case '(': n_open++; break; case '*': n_jollies++; break; default: cout << i << " " << p[i] << endl; assert( false ); } for(int j = 0; j <= n_jollies; j++) { if(j + n_closed > (n_jollies -j) + n_open) opt[i%2][j] = 0; else switch( p[i] ) { case ')': opt[i%2][j] = opt[(i-1)%2][j]; break; case '(': opt[i%2][j] = opt[(i-1)%2][j]; break; case '*': opt[i%2][j] = opt[(i-1)%2][j]; if( j > 0 ) opt[i%2][j] = (opt[i%2][j] + opt[(i-1)%2][j-1]) % BASE; break; } // cout << i << " " << j << " " << opt[i%2][j] << " " << p[i] << " " << opt[(i-1)%2][j] << " " << opt[(i-1)%2][j-1] << endl; } } // for(int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { // for(int j = 0; j <= n - n_open - n_closed; j++) cout << opt[i][j] << " "; // cout << endl; // } ofstream fout("output.txt"); fout << opt[n%2][n/2 - n_closed] % BASE << endl; fout.close(); return 0; }