For those of you that have followed the course Advanced Algorithms: Please note that the material of the course is available at the copy center. Course Program 2002-2003: Basic Notions of graphs Depth First Visit and Breadth First Visit: properties, type of edges Algorithm for the shortest path problem: -shortest paths from a single source with arbitrary cost of the edges (dijkstra's and Bellmon Ford algorithms) -all pair shortest paths (Floyd's algorithm) -biconnected components Eulerian Path: -necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an eulerian path -O(|E|^2) time algorithm for undirected graphs -O(|E|) time algorithm for direct graphs Hamiltoniam Path and Circuit: -sufficient condition for the existence of an hamiltonian path/circuit -necessary condition for the existence of an hamiltonian path/circuit Coloring problems: -lower bound -bipartite graphs -heuristics -L(1)-labelling _(L1,...,1)-labelling on regular grids -L(2,1) & L(2,1,1)-labelling on regular grids -L(\delta_1, \delta_2, ..., \delta_k)-labelling on regular grids Approximation Algorithms: *absolute approximation: -absolute approximation for coloring of planar graphs -absolute approximation for the maximum number of programs stored in two disks -NP-hardness of the absolute approximation problem of 0/1 integer knapsack and clique problems *relative approximation: -NP-hardness of the relative approximation of the traveling salesman problem -relative approximation of the Longest Processing Time rule for the scheduling of independent task *approximation scheme: -approximation scheme for the Longest Processing Time rule for the scheduling of independent task *polinomyal time approximation schemes (PTAS): -rounding -interval partitioning -separation Network Flow: -problem definition, with Ford & Fulkerson algorithm -O(N|E|^2) Edmonds & Karp algorithm