Example-Guided Abstraction Simplification
By: R. Giacobazzi and F. Ranzato
Dipartimento di Informatica
Univ. di Verona
Strada Le Grazie a Ca' Vignal 2, 37134 Verona (Italy)
In static analysis, approximation is typically encoded by abstract domains,
providing systematic guidelines for specifying approximate semantic functions
and precision assessments. However, it may well happen that an abstract domain
contains redundant information for the specific purpose of approximating a
given semantic function modeling some behavior of a system. This paper introduces
Example-Guided Abstraction Simplification (EGAS), a methodology for
simplifying abstract domains, i.e. removing abstract values from them, in a maximal
way while retaining exactly the same approximate behavior of the system under
analysis. We show that, in abstract model checking and predicate abstraction,
EGAS provides a simplification paradigm of the abstract state space that is guided
by examples, meaning that it preserves spuriousness of examples (i.e., abstract
paths). In particular, we show how EGAS can be integrated with the well-known
CEGAR (CounterExample-Guided Abstraction Refinement) methodology.
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