First International summer school on
information security and protection
Software security and protection
Beijing, July 26 - 30, 2010
First International summer school on
information security and protection
Software security and protection
Beijing, July 26 - 30, 2010
The theme of the First International Summer School on Information Security and Protection is Software Security and Protection. The growing ubiquity of software systems as a means of providing critical services make protecting software contents, data, and intellectual property an important aspect of software development and a necessity for successful industrial applications. Without strong software security and protection techniques, software-based systems at the heart of medical informatics, digital rights management, voting systems, power distribution systems, transportation systems, and financial systems, to name a few, will be vulnerable to devastating attacks.
Software Security and Protection is a discipline that lies at the crossroads of security, cryptography, networks, software engineering, computer architecture, operating systems, and compiler design. The summer school will bring together internationally-recognized experts to describe the advanced techniques that are used for protecting software from tampering, reverse engineering, and piracy. The courses will cover methods of software security and protection including code obfuscation to protect against reverse engineering, software watermarking to protect against software piracy, tamperproofing to protect against integrity-violations of software, and models of security for specifying attack strategies, metrics, and principles.
The summer school is in co-operation with ACM. The first of its kind in the world, the school will help to address the very high demand in ICT professionals and researchers in the areas of software security and software intellectual property protection, with a particular attention towards the growing demand of advanced software security technologies and solutions in the Chinese market.
List of speakers
✓ Christian Collberg (University of Arizona, USA)
✓ Jack Davidson (University of Virginia, USA)
✓ Roberto Giacobazzi (Università di Verona, Italy)
✓ Yuan Xiang Gu (Cloakware/Irdeto, Canada)
Organization Board Institutions
Software security and protection