Application Form

Please complete the form below for your application at the THIRD INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL ON INFORMATION SECURITY AND PROTECTION. Allow 3-5 days for an acknowleding response, as we review each submission personally for quality control.

Recall the relevant dates for two stages registration:

The ** information is mandatory!!!

First name:

Last name:


Contact address:


Profession (undergraduate student/graduate student/professional in ICT/researcher):

Belonging institution:

E-mail address (this is for contact purposes only):

Personal web site (if any):

Short statement expressing your interest in the School contents (100 words or less): **

The application form will be sent by e-mail. Clicking "Send" will launch your mail application.

NOTE: If you have problems in sending this form, please print it, fill it in all its mandatory parts, and send it either by fax or by e-mail as attached file to the follwoing contact person:

Name: Christian Collberg
Address: Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona, USA
Phone: (520) 621-6612
Fax: (520) 621-4246