realmin ans = 2.2251e-308 realmin/2 ans = 1.1125e-308 realmin*2^(-52) ans = 4.9407e-324 realmin*2^(-52)/2 ans = 0 realmax ans = 1.7977e+308 realmax*2 ans = Inf 34.27-0.27 ans = 34 format long e 34.27-0.27 ans = 34 34.27-34 ans = 2.700000000000031e-01 x=1e-16 x = 1.000000000000000e-16 ((1+x)-1)/x ans = 0 1e-8 ans = 1.000000000000000e-08 format (exp(x)-1)/x ans = 0 x=1e-8 x = 1.0000e-08 (exp(x)-1)/x ans = 1.0000 format long e (exp(x)-1)/x ans = 9.999999939225290e-01 x=1e-12 x = 1.000000000000000e-12 (exp(x)-1)/x ans = 1.000088900582341e+00 x=1e-14 x = 1.000000000000000e-14 (exp(x)-1)/x ans = 9.992007221626409e-01 x=1e-15 x = 1.000000000000000e-15 (exp(x)-1)/x ans = 1.110223024625157e+00 x=1e-30 x = 1.000000000000000e-30 (exp(x)-1)/x ans = 0 x = 1.49011611938477e-8 x = 1.490116119384770e-08 (1+x)-1 ans = 1.490116119384766e-08 x=1e-8 x = 1.000000000000000e-08 (1+x)-1 ans = 9.999999939225290e-09 x=1.1e-8 x = 1.100000000000000e-08 (1+x)-1 ans = 1.100000002196566e-08 x = 1.49011611938477e-8 x = 1.490116119384770e-08 (1+x)-1 ans = 1.490116119384766e-08 2^(-23) ans = 1.192092895507812e-07 2^-26 ans = 1.490116119384766e-08 x=linspace(0,1,11) x = Columns 1 through 2 0 1.000000000000000e-01 Columns 3 through 4 2.000000000000000e-01 3.000000000000000e-01 Columns 5 through 6 4.000000000000000e-01 5.000000000000000e-01 Columns 7 through 8 6.000000000000000e-01 7.000000000000000e-01 Columns 9 through 10 8.000000000000000e-01 9.000000000000000e-01 Column 11 1.000000000000000e+00 format x=linspace(0,1,11) x = Columns 1 through 7 0 0.1000 0.2000 0.3000 0.4000 0.5000 0.6000 Columns 8 through 11 0.7000 0.8000 0.9000 1.0000 y=x^2 {Error using ^ Inputs must be a scalar and a square matrix. To compute elementwise POWER, use POWER (.^) instead. } y=x.^2 y = Columns 1 through 7 0 0.0100 0.0400 0.0900 0.1600 0.2500 0.3600 Columns 8 through 11 0.4900 0.6400 0.8100 1.0000 plot(x,y) x=linspace(0,1,5); y=x.^2; plot(x,y) plot(x,y,'o') plot(x,y,'or') figure z=y*1e-8; plot(x,z,'or') m=1:10 m = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 errori=[0.1,0.02,1e-3,0.0004,0.005,1e-5,2e-6,3e-7,2e-8,1e-12] errori = Columns 1 through 7 0.1000 0.0200 0.0010 0.0004 0.0050 0.0000 0.0000 Columns 8 through 10 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 plot(m,errori) semilogy(m,errori) plot(m,log(errori)) n=10.^(1:10); loglog(n,errori) diary offù