octave:2> randexp(1) ans = 0.41408 octave:3> octave:3> variabile{1}=3 variabile = { [1,1] = 3 } octave:4> variabile{2}=5 variabile = { [1,1] = 3 [1,2] = 5 } octave:5> randnorm(variabile) warning: the 'sigma' function belongs to the control package from Octave Forge which seems to not be installed in your system. Please read to learn how you can contribute missing functionality. error: 'sigma' undefined near line 11 column 16 error: called from: error: /home/accounts/personale/clrmrc90/aa1718/sistemi_stocastici/randnorm.m at line 11, column 3 octave:5> randnorm(variabile{1},variabile{2}) ans = 10.532 octave:6> variabile{:} ans = 3 ans = 5 octave:7> randnorm(variabile{:}) ans = -3.5215 octave:8> demo testva testva example 1: testva (@randexp, 3*ones(1000,1)) octave:9> testva (@randexp, 3*ones(1000,1)) octave:10> close all octave:11> testva (@randexp, 3*ones(1000,1)) octave:12> close all octave:13> testva (@randexp, 3*ones(10000,1)) octave:14> close all,testva (@randexp, 3*ones(10000,1)) octave:15> close all,testva (@randexp, 3*ones(10000,1)) octave:16> close all,testva (@randexp, 3*ones(10000,1)) octave:17> close all,testva (@randexp, 3*ones(10000,1)) octave:18> close all,testva (@randexp, 3*ones(10000,1)) octave:19> diary off