Building on 25 years of experience in automated deduction under the auspicies
of John McCarthy at Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,
and especially on recent work by
Carolyn Talcott we have written Java programs that manipulate
abstract syntax.
At the moment we have a parser, a tokenizer and applets that convert a textual
representation of lambda-terms into a graphic one and viceversa.
You can play with various imaginative representations of lambda-terms by
visiting our student's projects.
(The rest will come!!!)
Bibliography: Carolyn Talcott. A theory of binding structures
and applications to rewriting, Theoretical Computer Science
112(1993) 99-143.
Student's Projects
Gruppo 1:progetto
Debora Badinelli, Matteo Galavotti, Riccardo Gherardi, Nikolaus Mattern
Gruppo 2:
Visualizzatore per il lambda calcolo
Debora Botturi, Gianni Campion, Antonia Dona` (in Italian)
Gruppo 3:
lambda editor
Franco Guarnieri, Alessandro Peroni (in Italian)
Gruppo 4:
lambda calculus expressions editor
Francesco Bellomi, Roberto Bonato, Alessio Costa
(in English and Italian)
Gruppo 5:
Tree2Form <=> Form2Tree
Nicola Dalle Vedove, Matteo Franchini, Nicola Prando
(in Italian)
Gruppo 6:
Intelligenza Artificiale
Alessandro Dalle Vedove, Giovanni Perbellini, Simone Tosoni,
Claudio Zoccatelli (in Italian)
Gruppo 7:
lambda trees
Claudio Formica, Stefano Galvan, Giovanna Pertile, Christian Stanzial
(in English, French and Italian)
Gruppo 8:
Michele Governo, Nicola Piccinin, Gianluca Pini (in Italian)
Gruppo 9:Lambda Calc
Giovanni Scardoni, Cristiana Martini.
Gruppo 10:
Editor Grafico per Lambda
Emanuele Ferri, Gianluca Iacono
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