Lidia Angeleri Hügel

We are looking for candidates with expertise in one of the following areas:
- geometric representation theory
- stability theory
- silting theory
- gentle algebras
- commutative algebra (in particular: spectra and localization theory)
- rank functions, character theory


two senior postdoctoral positions (Ricercatore Universitario RTD-A)deadline June 27, 2024   link to the call   English Summary of the call
These are temporary university posts with a contract for three years which can be extended by two more years. The gross salary is 34,898.06 Euro per year, and Italy has a tax waiving program for researchers coming from abroad.
Research duties: research activity in representation theory of algebras, in particular on the topics of the project LAVIE concerning stability theory and localization theory.
Teaching duties: between 32 and 60 hours per year.
As this is an employment in the Italian Public Administration, a recognition procedure is required for PhD-titles from foreign universities. Applicants must prove that they started the procedure before completing the application.
More details on this procedure are provided in the call.
Moreover, according to the call, candidates should have an "adequate" knowledge of Italian. This is a rather flexible requirement as teaching duties can be carried out in English. Please contact us if you have any questions concerning the call.

Funding: Fondo Italiano per la Scienza FIS-2021, Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca,
project  Large views of small phenomena: decompositions, localizations, and representation type (LAVIE)” 

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