Universita' di Verona
September 1-5, 2003
Session 0. Opening.
9:30 G.Bellin, Universita' di Verona,
An overview of the logics for pragmatics.
Session 1. Duality in intuitionistic logic and its semantics.
11:00 Tristan Crolard, Universite' de Paris 12, A formulae-as-types interpretation of Subtractive Logic.
Contributions by Arnaud Fleury, Gianluigi Bellin and Corrado Biasi. Discussion.
16:00 Tutorial: John Power, LFCS Edinburgh, Pre-monoidal Categories.
Session 2. Causal implication and its semantics.
10:00 Graham White, QMW College, University of London
Modal treatment of causality and
Non-Monotonic Reasoning.
11:30 Kurt Ranalter, QMW College, University of London
Kripke models for ILP.
14:30 Tutorial Graham White: Fibrational structures in causal reasoning.
16:00 Maria Emilia Maietti, Universita` di Padova Fibrations for linear and intuitionistic logic.
Session 3: Private and common knowledge, logic of questions and answers.
10:00 Giacomo Lenzi, Universita' di Pisa On the modal mu-calculus.
14:00 Carlo Dalla Pozza, Universita' di Lecce On the logic of questions and answers.
Contribution by Graham White. Discussion.
16:00 Tutorial ?
Concluding Debate: Mathematical practice, axiomatization and intuition: some reflecions on the history of Artificial Intelligence. Panel discussion, led by Graham White.
T. Crolard. Subtractive logic,
Theoretical Computer Science 254, 2001,
pp. 151-185.
T. Crolard. A formulae-as-types interpretation of Subtractive Logic.
Submitted to the Journal of Logic and Computation.
Special issue on Modalities in Constructive Logics and Type Theories.
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G.White. Interpolation for McCain-Turner Causal Theories,
Non-Monotonic Reasoning, Action and Change 2003.
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G.White. Fibrational Structures in Causal and Nonmonotonic Reasoning. Transparencies of the talk given at the workshop. pdf file
G. Bellin and C. Dalla Pozza.
A pragmatic interpretation of substructural logics.
in Reflections on the Foundations of Mathematics, Essays in Honor of
Solomon Feferman, W.Sieg, R.Sommer and C.Talcott eds.
ASL Lecture Notes in Logic ; 15, 2002.
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