Lidia Angeleri
September 30, 2022
The University of Verona is offering a Postdoc Position in
the Representation
Theory group, deadline for application October 18, 2022, 1.00 p.m. (Italian time).
The call can be found
here, (the English version starts
at page 9).
The position offers a contract
for 12 months starting from January 1, 2023.
The net salary (after a deduction for social security) is paid in
monthly installments of about 1.500 Euro, no further taxation.
It is a research position, teaching activity is not expected, but
possible (also in English) with a further remunerated teaching
The position will be funded by the Department of Computer
Science of the University of Verona and by the grant "Reducing complexity in algebra,
logic, combinatorics - REDCOM" funded by Fondazione Cariverona,
program “Ricerca Scientifica di Eccellenza 2018”.
to the page of the group